Lack of a Personal Goal leads Canadians to Overuse Restaurants: Guest Post

<img decoding=Upon reviewing the Capital One Canada study on Canadians’ financial guilty pleasures, it struck me that no one quoted mentioned a personal goal.

When people lack a personal goal that represents what they want to be doing and who they want to become, it’s very easy to be led astray.

As I will illustrate, cultural-market forces can influence people to make choices they wouldn’t make if they were guided by their own compass.

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John Wright Mortgage Broker & Money Coach: content writing completed

With 25 years of experience as a mortgage broker, John knows it all – and delivers. He’ll also help you pay down your debt.

I had the pleasure of working with mortgage broker and money coach John Wright and getting his online reputation solidified.

Work continued on his Debt Eliminator course which helps people avoid consumer proposals and bankruptcy while raising their credit score.